Capture d’écran 2019-01-26 à 20.57.29.png
Capture d’écran 2019-01-26 à 20.57.29.png

Mission trip


Mission trip


Missions is the heart of SOS. We live for the unreached and it is our hearts desire to see Jesus brought to every ear that has not yet heard the good news!

Every year we put on massive signs and wonders festivals in Africa - where the simple gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed to the hugs crowds that gather. Countless decisions are made to follow Jesus. Thousands of people are baptized in the Holy Spirit; the blind see again, the lame walk again, and demons are casted out. We live the book of Acts, and you will too!

Are you ready yet? Come experience the adventure for yourself. Wherever you are in your walk with Jesus, we believe you will be used effectively during your trip and your life will forever be marked by the time you return back home.

Want more information? Click on the “button” to begin your journey!


Here’s a little taste: